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Queensland University Musical Society

Welcome Picnic (Freshers' day out)

Sat, 3 Aug 2024
12:00 - 15:00

Welcome to our newest choristers! We would love to get to know you. Join us for a very chill picnic at Southbank on Saturday 3rd August - bring a plate, a friend, your dog, whatever you like!

We will meet at 12pm in Southbank at the Riverside Green which is near South Bank Piazza - see images below. Please bring some food to share and a picnic blanket or camp chair. Hope to see you all there! 

We will hang out, play some games, and maybe get icecream afterwards if it's warm enough.

Can't wait to see you there :)


South Bank Piazza
South Bank, South Brisbane QLD, Australia

c/o C&S Department, UQ Union Building 21A-417, University of Queensland Union, University of Queensland, Queensland, 4072, Australia

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