Queensland University Musical Society
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Rehearsal Attendance Policy
Status: adopted by the Executive+VP on 12th September 2019. Equivalent policy in effect before then (the “75% rule”.)
- QUMS might be a sociable and non-auditioned choir, but we still set a high standard for ourselves in performance.
- We achieve this standard through practicing, both at rehearsals and at home.
- Therefore, we expect that choristers in any given performance to have accumulated no more than 25% unexcused absences of the rehearsals for that performance.
- Example: there are approximately 12 weekly rehearsals during semester, plus 3 Camp rehearsals, that count towards an end-of-semester concert.
- Sectionals count as bonus rehearsals.
- This rule may be waived at the discretion of the musical director or performance leader in consultation with the relevant section leader.
Music Bond Policy
Status: In effect. Passed by the QUMS Committee in 2008. Renamed to ‘music bond’ by the Executive+VP on September 12th 2019 to better reflect the semantics of a 'bond' versus a 'deposit'.
- All choristers are required to pay a one-off music bond of $20 before they borrow music (including digital copies/licenses).
- Should they later choose to leave the choir, the music bond is refundable after all music has been returned.
- However, it can only be claimed within one year of last financial membership of the choir – that is, someone cannot return three years after leaving the choir to claim the deposit.
Camp Policy
Status: adopted by the Executive+VP on 12th September 2019.
- QUMS holds a rehearsal camp each semester.
- Camp attendance is strongly encouraged, but not compulsory.
- While Camp has a strong and important social component, it is nonetheless primarily for rehearsal. Therefore, Camp attendance is limited to choir members, to those assisting with the running of Camp, and to approved others only in special circumstances.
- At Camp, all choir members are expected to participate in all rehearsals (on the day[s] they attend), and to assist with cooking and cleaning as needed.
- Camp counts for three rehearsals and one bonus sectional by default.
Code of Conduct
Status: Adopted at the 2019 AGM.
Dress Code for performances
QUMS has a standard dress code for concerts, detailed in this PDF. Whenever we say "concert blacks" this is what we mean.
Just as we aim for a unified sound, we also aim for a unified look.